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Filing "Medical Neglect" and or "Inmate Abuse" complaints with FedCURE:
The following must be done before we can address any complaint:
- FedCURE advises the family/friend that the prisoner needs to
file a BP9, if he/she has not already done so, to start the Administrative
Remedy Procedure.
- FedCURE advises the family/friend that the prisoner needs to
execute a durable power of attorney as soon as possible. FedCURE
will only work with the appointee.
- FedCURE advises the family/friend that the prisoner and appointee
need to an sign FedCURE’s Waiver and Release of Liability
Form acknowledging that the prisoner’s name and medical
information will be made public through FedCURE’s website
and its newsletter, as well as e-mail notification.
- FedCURE advises the family/friend that the prisoner needs to
requests BOP medical records including any specialists’
reports. FedCURE will also need any pre-prison medical records
including any specialists’ reports as they relate to the
prisoner’s medical condition.
- FedCURE advises the family/friend that the prisoner needs to
provide copies of all communications with any medical professional
or BOP staff member where the prisoner’s medical condition
has been addressed.
- FedCURE advises the family/friend that the prisoner needs to
provide copies of all Administrative actions taken to reconcile
the medical complaint that has gone unheeded.
- FedCURE advises the family/friend that they need to actively
advocate on behalf of the prisoner. FedCURE works on a volunteer
basis and as such, its staff and resources are limited.
The family/friend appointed
by the prisoner can best help through the following way:
- When communicating with the BOP or medical professionals, try
to keep to the facts. Provide a timeline of events and cite BOP
Program Statements as they apply.
- When corresponding with the BOP, start by addressing the appropriate
facility staff including the warden and medical personnel. If,
and when, you need to address a higher authority, provide copies
of prior correspondence. Your communications to specific BOP facilities
are not typically forwarded to regional offices.
- If you file a complaint with a medical organization, such as
JCAHO, please be sure to provide a copy with future correspondence
to the BOP.