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Publications Written by FedCURE Members


International CURE - Citizens United for Rehabilitation of Errants

Third International Conference June 2006
International CURE reports on the prison systems of all thirty-five countries of the Organization of the American States.
By:  Charles Sullivan.   Prison Photos by Alan Pogue   ISBN 978-1-892063-18-2
Free download PDF file 1.8MB  119 Pages

Stephen C. Richards (FedCURE Board Member) and (Elmer H Johnson & Carol Holmes Johnson Series in Criminology)

The Marion Experiment: Long-Term Solitary Confinement and the Supermax Movement.

Christopher Zoukis (FedCURE Lifetime Member) Purchase supports FedCURE.

Federal Prison Handbook: The Definitive Guide to Surviving the Federal Bureau of Prisons

Daniel Murphy, Ph.D. (FedCURE Board Member).

  • Corrections and Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms (VIA AMAZON: Purchase supports FedCURE:
    Ground breaking study assesses the effect of pre-prison experiences on adjustment to the prison environment. Has application for courses in criminal justice, criminal justice policy and programs, criminological theory, psychology, psychiatry, methods, and techniques of statistical analysis. 2012 | $22.00 | 140 pp | paper | ISBN: 978-1-61163-192-0| LCCN 2012013523. Electronic Teacher's Materials available.

Lawrence Schulenberg

Stephen C. Richards (FedCURE Board Member) and Jeffrey Ian Ross

Alan Ellis


Clare Hanrahan

David Novak


Michael G. Santos

Rachel King

Mike Palecek



  • A Promise of Justice (the 18 year fight to save four innocent men from execution) 212-633-5910
  • A Sin Against the Future (Imprisonment in the World) 202-429-0440
  • American Jails: Looking to the Future 800-366-2665
  • Beyond Punishment (A New View on the Rehabilitation of Criminal Offenders) 800-225-5800
  • Breaking Silence: voices of mothers in prison 718-499-6704
  • Finding Freedom: Writings from Death Row 877-479-6129
  • Houses of Healing (A Prisoner's Guide To Inner Power And Freedom) 617-267-3121
  • Juries: Conscience of the Community 510-596-8160
  • Last One over the Wall: The Massachusetts Experiment in Closing Reform Schools 800-437-4439
  • Life Sentences (prisoner journalists report on prison life, sex, violence, executions, etc.) Published by Times Books/Random House, Inc.
  • Outsiders Looking in: How to Keep from Going Crazy When Someone you Love Goes to Jail, POB 6012, Fresno, CA 93703-6012
  • Penal Abolition (the practical choice) 416-630-7581
  • Prison Madness: The Mental Health Crisis Behind Bars 888-378-2537
  • Search and Destroy: African American Male in the Criminal Justice System 800-872-7423
  • The Celling of America (An inside look at the U.S. Prison Industry) 207-525-0900
  • The Real War on Crime the ground-breaking and definitive report 800-331-3761
  • And So I Began To Listen To Their Stories... Working with Women in the Criminal Justice System 518-439-7415
  • We're All Doing Time 919-304-2220

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